31 August 2014

Even though Philippians 4: 13 says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength,” no one can do everything at once. Be aware of keeping balance in your life and in your family. If you’re feeling over-extended, or bored, it’s time to take a look at how you are allocating your time. This devotional, will bless you: http://www.thelife.com/dailydevotions/a-balancing-act then follow its advice: “Take out a piece of paper. At the top of it, write three columns, one labeled “emotional,” one labeled “physical,” and one labeled “spiritual.” Post it on your fridge and commit to doing one thing per day to refuel in these vital areas of self-care. However you choose to refuel, don’t miss out on the sweet moments of life your Father wants to bless you with today.”

23 August 2014

Read to your child every day. As soon as you know you’re pregnant, (both parents) start reading aloud. It doesn’t matter so much WHAT you read in the early months. It does matter THAT you read. The brain of a child starts forming connections and patterns from the start. The more varied the vocabulary you introduce, the more varied the vocabulary they will be comfortable with. As they learn to read, let them read to you. Sharing the reading and then working yourself out of this ‘job’ will help them all through their lives. Also, read for your own pleasure in the presence of your children. They will make habits based on yours. Thirty minutes a day is not too much to spend for the rewards of this habit!

20 August 2014

Research says that singing to your baby will cause synapses to form in their tiny brains that will give them an advantage not only in learning the language they are speaking and it’s grammar, but make it easier for them to learn other languages. Silly songs also help! They’re learning every minute! Also read poetry and Dr. Seuss books. The meter and rhyme are marvelous!

17 August 2014

An hymn is the best lullaby. In addition to calming and comforting your child, the hymn will bring them great comfort when they are all grown and it plays in their memory. Pray and sing, to and with, your children daily. You are setting the example for their future lives.

10 August 2014

It is not possible to ‘spoil’ a child with love. Comfort and nurture are always appropriate. In no way do they reduce your responsibility to discipline and mentor. When a child is the least lovable is when he needs your compassion the most.